Made in Italy

Promoting Italian design
as lifestyle

Il gusto Italiano che esportiamo nel mondo è ben più di un prodotto di design, è stile di vita che conquista allo stesso modo persone che appartengono alle culture più diverse, e che racchiude la ricchezza della nostra storia, della creatività, della sensibilità al bello e all’arte.

Con questo pensiero nasce la mia ambizione di promuovere all’estero non solo “prodotti” italiani, ma l’Italian Lifestyle nella sua completezza, selezionando le aziende che più testimoniano l’amore per lo stile e per la classe declinandolo in collezioni di alto design e qualità, e che attraverso il loro prodotti riescono davvero a trasmettere l’emozione dello Stile Italiano.

The Italian style is a lot more than a design product, it is Lifestyle, appreciated all over the world regardless of different cultural and historical background, and expressing the richness of our history, of our creativity and sensibility to beauty and art.

On this assumption I have built my ambition to promote not only Italian “products” but the Italian Lifestyle as a complete concept, selecting only companies that are able to express the love for style and luxury by creating collections of high design and quality that can really transfer the emotion of the Italian Style.


Nel nostro progetto le aziende italiane che aspirano a diventare competitive o a rafforzare la propria presenza nei mercati Overseas trovano l’assistenza professionale di un team specializzato, direttamente presente sui mercati di interesse con personale qualificato, in collaborazione con partner locali che vantano contatti ad altissimi livelli.

The team operating in the project offers a wealth of knowledge, skill and experience at international level. We are directly present in the markets of interest thanks to the cooperation of local partners who provide the best professional support and contacts at the highest levels, offering concrete solutions to those companies looking to become seriously competitive in new markets.

(Bahrein, Cyprus, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Qatar, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Saudi Aarabia, Syria, Turkey)

U.S.A. (Mdf Italia/Acerbis)

Logo Sumisura

Starting a new project is the most inspiring moment of all: you meet the client, you target the mood, you select the right pieces, you blend them together and you put everything on paper to show the client the dream result.

Next is to translate it into a real execution.

How many times were you done with the project, and then you realized you were in fact missing one piece - the missing piece - to make the project work smoothly as a whole? The project is perfect except for that particular piece that is impossible to find. It is often like that…

Most of the times that particular piece is hard to find because it may exist but not exactly as you have been needing it, or simply because it just does not exist at all.
But you cannot go without it, you cannot just put it aside because it is the bridge piece of the entire project.

Yes, the missing piece.

This is where SuMisura comes into play: we help you create your missing piece by sourcing the right Italian manufacturer and the exact materials, colors and shapes.

From Furniture to Textile and Objects, we can complete your interiors with that very personal touch making the style really unique.

Give yourself the chance to create your missing piece, contact us for further information, sumisura team is here to help!


Contact Us

Lucia Nicastro